Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Leadership Council Minutes- August 2011

AUGUST 16, 2001

Attending:  Art Anderson, Laurens Wiseman, Eric Folkerth, Rebecca Bergstresser, Robin Lovin, Karen Matson and Betty Boyer

The committee discussed the design of the pledge card and using the 2011 card, decided to move the pray and time statements to the bottom, but above the signature line.  On the back print the Stewardship Campaign theme and/or mission statement.  Pledge card to be printed on a brighter color stock.  Laurens will work on a design.  Pledge card and letter will be sent out the week of November1st.  Rebecca recalled that we did different letters last time – never pledged, joined recently but not pledged and pledged before but not last year.  We should consider doing that again.  We also want to see the pledge cards displayed in various part of the church, such as the literature rack, etc.

The congregation will receive a letter the week of October 10th explaining what to expect and look for each week during the Stewardship Campaign.  *We still need to determine who will write this letter.

The theme of the campaign will be “On a Pilgrim Journey”.  In the event we are not able to use parts of the history video, the committee thought it might be more practicable to use a power point presentation such as what Eric has been doing the past several weeks.  We would combine this with a speaker during the three weeks of the campaign.  The speakers and presentations would emphasis the rich history of Northaven and the need to grow programs, add additional staff, most effective use of the latest technology, more volunteer opportunities, etc. 

After a review of the video script Karen suggest several categories – education programs (children, youth and adult), mission trips and new building.  (Betty’s thought that she forgot to mention during the meeting – how we became a reconciling ministry)

The pledge goal will be determined by the Finance Committee.  We should begin talking with them about this in late September.

The committee recommended the use of the Art Anderson Thermometer again this year.  For a new twist, we may consider the use of flashing lights.

Marlene will speak with the Arts Committee about reserving the Vision Wall October 16th thru November 6th.

Next meeting – Thursday, September 1st at 7 pm.

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