Monday, May 14, 2012

Dear United Methodist Church (from Diana Hudson)

Dear United Methodist Church,

The kids are not alright. They are disturbed by hypocrisy, prejudice and a judgmental take on God’s love for us that is being used to keep some congregants and would-be congregants at bay, as well as perpetuating acts of discrimination and hostility.  The opposition to admitting LGBT’s with full rights and privileges as UMC members only confirms the idea that Methodism is just another irrelevant institution. “Irrelevance” is not a word to be taken lightly.  It doesn’t happen because of superficial trends or someone watches a lot of Glee.  It has happened because they know better. That’s right, they know better.

The young understand that homosexuality is not a choice and that what they’ve been told in Sunday School as children does not add up to what they see their elders proclaiming now; God loves us all, but he loves some of us more than others.  They can’t square that with what they see in the gay people in their lives who go around paying bills, taking care of families, working and studying.  They can’t square this with the bullying they see fed by this idea of the threat of “otherness”.   It makes no sense to them.  And making sense is a big deal for them as are their experiences.

It’s supposed to be a big deal for Methodists too.  Reason and experience are part of that four legged stool, as is tradition.   Speaking of which, Methodists have been proponents of the abolition of slavery and women’s rights.  They did not let proof texting the bible rob them of the opportunity to hear a complete message and weave it into fabric of everyday faith. 

The UMC still has a chance to get this right.  And they can do it if they start to agree to disagree, instead of hunkering down and hoping that this all blows over.  They can start seeing these “others” as the real, full people they are, not some inferior subgroup of humanity.   They can drop their fears and act for good before so much more is lost.  But they need to hurry, because the kids are saying thanks, but no thanks, at an alarming rate.

If The UMC thinks this is a game of chicken to see who blinks first, they they’ve already lost and the numbers support that. Youthful impatience is not to be trifled with and it is not the property of just the young.   There are plenty of their elders weary of this foot dragging as well. In a world where mainline protestant denominations are shrinking, can the UMC afford more fallout? Can the Christian Faith afford the black eye of hypocrisy?

The church needs young people to survive and if it is the faith community it claims to be, the young need it too.  It is at the intersection of these needs where relevance can get a toehold and the whole can benefit.  Time is of the essence.


Diana Hudson

(Diana Hudson is a member of Northaven)

 If you are a Northaven member/friend who would like to share your feelings about General Conference, email or write to Eric or Mindy in the church office.

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